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Poetry, Artwork, Books, Photographs ... the people of Marion County have long enjoyed a full measure of talent where the arts are concerned.  On this page, we will showcase examples of that talent by local artisans (or works by 'honorary locals') pertaining to our county.

Please come back and visit this page periodically, as we will be adding to it often.


An Ode to Skillet Fork, by L. C. Higgs, circa 1897

Billy Bryan in Illinoy, by "Unknown", circa 1896

Dawn, by Melba Regina Robnett, unknown date

Dying Miner,  The, by Woody Guthrie, 1947

Grandma's Garden, by Ruth Agnes Mantley, unknown date

Hopes, Dreams and Memories, collection by Frank A. Clark, 1922

Last Will & Testament of a Lame Duck, by Ruth Bryan Owen, 1933

Max's X-tra Fine, by Becky Michael Zeissler, 2011

Memories, December 24, 1941, by Laura Tipsword, 1941

My Friend, by Ruth Bryan Owen, circa 1909

One Room Country School, by Wayman Presley, 1980

School House, The, by Lenora Smith Purcell, circa 2004


Frances Lorraine Oliver produced the cover art for

Footprints in Marion County for more than 20 years, right up until

her death in October of 2008.  Her life was commemorated in the

Fall 2008 Footprints by then-Editor Letha Rose, who wrote:

        "Frances had a rare talent and she always wanted to draw for a

newspaper comic strip ... She was proficient in oils, watercolors,

scratch board, and primitive materials.  She was Vice-President of

the Society for many years ... Everything Frances was involved in

was a challenge for her and she always worked for the betterment of that project with her whole heart and soul."


On the Earliest Voices site, you can actually hear William Jennings Bryan deliver seven of his speeches. Includes 'Cross of Gold, [1921]' 'Imperialism [1901],' 'Swollen Fortunes [1902],' 'Immortality [1903],' 'Popular Election of Senators [1910],' 'Mysteries [1910],' and 'The Trust Question [1910].' Note: if the audio doesn't play immediately, you might need to download a media player. RealPlayer® is free, and can be downloaded here.