When you become a member of the Marion County Genealogical & Historical Society,  you join the ranks of more than 200 folks across the nation who share a love of history and a particular fondness for Marion County, Illinois.

Founded in 1976 as a not-for-profit organization, the

society has endeavored to preserve the history of this

southern Illinois county, and to share that history with

the descendants of past generations who have called

Marion County their home.

Members enjoy these benefits:

  • Guided access to the Genealogy archives in the Society Room in the Bryan-Bennett Library
  • Four issues per year of our members magazine
    Footprints In Marion County
  • Free publication of reader queries in
    Footprints to request ancestry research help
    from other members

  • Enjoy monthly meetings of the Society,
    including our occasional special guest presentations

  •  Annual June business meeting

Become a member today!  Print and fill out our
membership form and send it to us with your dues check and we'll send your membership card  and any current quarterlies for the year to get you on track right away.

You'll find instructions and fees on the form.

©  2022 Marion County Genealogical and Historical Society in Illinois.   All rights reserved.

Member Benefits

of Illinois


Marion Co.

Genealogical &


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Why wait to join?  Click here  to print our membership card.  Fill it out and send in your payment today!

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